Friday, January 16, 2009

Buy-ology by Martin Lindstrom

I found this video about the book Buy-ology by Martin Lindstrom.

The book is based on studies that used brain-scanning methods to investigate into our minds and to study the influence of the advertisement in our shopping preferences and unconscious desires when we choose among different products.

The video explains which are the subtle factors that motivate us to buy what we buy and how powerful a brand or advertisement is.

For me publicity shows the most positive side of life to encourage people to buy. This kind of practice is sometimes based in lies because daily life is normally less marvellous than publicity world.

Publicity influences in our behaviour and we don’t know what is the information that really goes into our heads when we see an advertisement or when we hear a marketing slogan.

What do you think about this video? Do you share Martin Lindstrom conclusions?

1 comment:

Nuria Vidal said...

Please, go to "settings" and say "NO" to "Word verification for comments" It'll make my work and your partners' easier. Thanks

Really interesting topic. It really cought me for I had to go to You Tube and had to find more information about Lindstrom! I hope it happens to other readers too!

See my only suggestion:
-because daily life is normally less marvellous than THE WORLD OF ADVERTISING.